

Welcome to Bethel Troop 54!

We welcome all Scouts, parents, adult leaders, and Friends of the Troop to create an account and keep up-to-date on everything Troop 54 is doing!  Registered active troop members will receive email notification of upcoming meetings, events, and activities.

 Troop 54 at Camp Sequassen Summer Camp 2022

If you are interested in joining Troop 54, we encourage you to stop by any scheduled meeting and talk to our members and leaders.  You can also contact us by clicking the Contact Us link on the left.

If you are an alumni or friend of Troop 54, we would love to keep you posted on some of our major events throughout the year such as the Thanksgiving Campout - please contact us to be added to our mailing list.

It's Time! Renew your Youth Protection Training!

Posted by cbarnabo on Dec 12 2024 - 1:49pm

All adult leaders - it's time to renew your Youth Protection Training! Remember that our District policy is that training cannot expire during the Scouting year, so you must have taken your training in 2024 for the upcoming recharter for 2025. Please take your training ASAP at https://my.scouting.org/ and send a copy of the completion certificate to Mr. Barnabo (yes, we can see the completion online, but SOMETIMES that gets messed up so we want a copy of your certificate as backup).

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